Hljómar svona:
A little scene where our player runs across some snow, grass and gravel
Listed below are 9 common sonic features of fire and their causes.
1) lapping - combustion of gasses in the air (flames)
2) cracking - small scale explosions caused by stresses in the fuel
3) hissing - regular outgassing, release of trapped vapour
4) bubbling - boiling of liquids
5) creaking - internal stress of fuel expansion or nearby structures
6) fizzing - ariel conflagration of small particles
7) whining - periodic relaxations during outgassing
8) roaring - low frequency O2 cycle
9) clattering - settling of fuel under gravity
Vá hvað ég vildi að ég væri eitthvað nálægt því að vera klár í alvörunni, eins og þessi Andy Farnell dúbbi. Linkarnir að ofan eru semsd á ókeypis kennsluefnið hans í opna hljóðhönnunarforritinu Pure Data.
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