Food and cosmetic products capable of being pumped by lobe rotor pumps. From Dickenson, T. C. 1995. Pumping Manual, 9th Ed. Elsevier Advanced Technology: Kidlington, Oxford, U.K. | ||||
Alcohol Apple purée Apricots Baby food Batter Beans Beer Beetroot Biscuit Cream Blackcurrants Brine Broth Butter fat Caramel Castor Oil Cat food Cheese curd Cheese whey Cherries Chicken paste Chili con carne Chocolate Chutney Cockles Coconut oil Cod oil | Coffee liquor Cordials Corn oil Corn syrup Cottage cheese Cotton seed oil Cranberry juice Cream Cream cheese Custard Dog food Dough Eggs - whole Egg yolk Essences Evaporated milk Fish Flavorings Fondants Fruit juice Fruit pulp Fruit - whole Fruit yogurt Gelatin Gherkins Glucose | Glycerin Gooseberries Gravy Hand cream Honey Horseradish Ice cream Icings Iodine ointment Jams Jelly Ketchup Lard Liquid sugar Lotions Malt Maple syrup Margarine Marmalade Marshmallow Marzipan Mascara Mayonnaise Milk Mincemeat Molasses |
| Sorbitol syrup Soup Soya sauce Spirits Starches Stews Strawberries Sugar Syrup Tapioca Tea Tomato ketchup Tomato paste Tomato purée Toothpaste Vaseline Vegetables Vinegar Water Wines Wort Yeast Yogurt |
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