Hérna, á no condition is permanent, safnar maður plötum saman, skrifar um þær og leyfir manni að sækja þær.
Virðist vera mestan part seventís, allt afríkutónlist eða skylt - kongófönk og smávegis döbb í bland. Allt hreint virkilega, virkilega fínt.
Á Gasper Lawal plötunum tveimur í nýjustu færslunni er lagið Kita-Kita vel til þess fallið að byrja á.
Platan Joy of Salvation með hinni Fáránlega Kúlnefndu Chief Commander Ebenezer Obey & His Inter-Reformers Band er falleg öll í gegn. Hundlangt kongófönk, 18 mínútur lagið, en fallegt allan tímann.
Tröst mí. Ég er að átta mig á því að afrígumúsíg er Allt Allt öðruvísi en ég hefði getað ímyndað mér, og í henni er margt sem ég hef leitað að lengi í allskonar tónlist grunandi að það væri kannski til.
Stereolab og Can, t.d., en þetta er eiginlega betra stöff, verð ég að segja. Go go!
Vel ritfær náungi, þar að auki:
It seems that most new planets, especially those recent add-ons within our ever-expanding solar system, are discovered by more and less the same process. As I've been told, astronomers figure out where a planet ought to be and proceed to case the neighborhood with enhanced scrutiny. Often as not, these guys get lucky by informed means and something turns up.
By rights, then, it should have made sense that I'd gravitate to Haitian music.
It saddens me, that there won't be any more records by Coupé Cloué; I wish there were more like him. Other Haitian bands like Boukman Eksperyans and Tabou Combo and RAM more recently have made inroads with international audiences; while they're each one fine in their own right, they all seem more than a bit polite. None possess the rootsy, lo-fi raunch of Gesner and his ensemble of horn-dogs. Someone once described Neil Young's Crazy Horse as being the antithesis of slick, looking like a band made up of car thieves. To judge by the picaresque verve evident in every note of their music, Coupé Cloué et L'Ensemble Select played like a band of car thieves.

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